
How Cannabis Can Help In Your Workout

April 15, 2024

One of the extensively promoted benefits of cannabis is its potential to enhance exercise sessions. While some may dismiss this claim as just a passing trend, numerous fitness enthusiasts around the world credit their success in gyms and on tracks to regular cannabis use.

If you're already familiar with the basic health benefits of cannabis, such as pain relief, it becomes even easier to understand how this age-old herb can impact workouts.

Continue reading for more insights on why you should consider incorporating cannabis into your fitness regimen.

How Cannabis Impacts the Human Body

Before delving into the advantages of cannabis for workouts, it's essential to gain an understanding of how this plant interacts with our bodies. Our bodies possess a complex system called the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates various aspects of our overall well-being. This system aids in alleviating muscle and joint pain, inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, and more, thereby maintaining normal body homeostasis.

When cannabis is consumed, its interaction with the cannabinoid receptors within the ECS system varies based on the types and concentrations of cannabinoids present in the product. For instance, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) binds to these receptors, cannabidiol (CBD) modulates non-cannabinoid receptors, and other compounds also contribute in their unique ways to produce what is known as the Entourage Effect.

How Cannabis Impacts Workouts

1.   Cannabidiols Reduce Muscle Soreness between Workouts

Muscle soreness often poses a significant challenge to achieving productive workouts. It typically arises from exerting excessive physical strain on your muscles during exercise, resulting in natural inflammation that can be tough to manage.

However, it's important to note that muscle soreness, also known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), is a normal occurrence. It usually emerges around 6 to 8 hours after exercising and can persist for up to 24 to 48 hours.

If you follow a daily workout regimen, waiting for muscle soreness to subside naturally may not be practical. In such cases, cannabidiol (CBD) could offer relief and help you recover faster. By applying a topical cream or spray to the affected area after each workout and waiting up to six hours, you can be ready to return to the gym sooner.

2.   Quicker Recovery from Injuries

In addition to muscle and joint soreness, pain during workouts can also arise from injuries. Cannabis, particularly THC, offers notable advantages in injury recovery. Studies have shown that THC extracts can be as effective as opioids in treating pain, while also reducing the risk of addiction and dependency.

It's important to consider the possibility of pain during workouts, but it's reassuring to know that cannabis can significantly aid in accelerating pain and injury recovery. The versatility of cannabis allows it to address various types of pain, whether acute or chronic. A pain-free body contributes to a focused mind, a powerful combination for achieving fitness goals.

3.   Stimulates Appetite

THC-dominant strains of cannabis can serve as excellent appetite stimulants. THC, the compound responsible for euphoria, provides bursts of energy and triggers the release of feel-good hormones in the body. These hormones drive actions associated with happiness, such as eating, having sex, and working harder. An increased appetite can directly benefit workouts by ensuring a sufficient calorie supply for the body.

It's important to note that the sale and use of THC are not as widely permitted by law as other cannabis compounds like CBD. Therefore, when purchasing a product containing THC, it's crucial to choose a reputable online dispensary in Canada that is properly accredited. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the laws regarding THC in your specific location. When reviewing product ingredients, pay attention to the THC content. It's important to note that in some places, medical marijuana products can contain more than 0.3% THC, depending on local regulations.

4.   Stimulates Activity and Relieves Anxiety

As mentioned earlier, the euphoric effects of cannabis also play a significant role in this aspect. Numerous studies suggest that using marijuana before and during workouts can enhance the enjoyment of exercise, especially for activities involving repetitive movements, such as running on a treadmill or doing push-ups.

Research also indicates that cannabis can serve as an effective remedy for anxiety, which is beneficial during workouts. Cannabis interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in the brain, helping to suppress anxiety-inducing hormones. By reducing racing thoughts, athletes can maintain better focus on their workouts.

5. Try other suplements along with Cannabis

When considering the inclusion of Athletic Greens alongside cannabis for enhanced workout benefits, it's worth noting that Athletic Greens can provide substantial nutritional support. It contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, along with digestive enzymes, probiotics, and adaptogens which can aid in energy production, enhance focus, and support overall health—qualities beneficial for maintaining workout intensity on days when you might feel low energy or lethargic.

Athletic Greens has been reported to improve energy levels, aid digestion, and support immune health. The adaptogens, like Ashwagandha and Rhodiola, found in Athletic Greens can help reduce stress and enhance cognitive functions, which may contribute to a more focused and energized workout experience.

However, while Athletic Greens provides a multitude of vitamins and essential nutrients, it's important to assess your overall diet and nutritional needs to determine if supplements are necessary. It's also advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if combining with other substances like cannabis, to ensure they do not interact negatively or cause unwanted side effects.

The Potential Risks of Mixing Marijuana with Workouts

While cannabis is often touted for its ability to enhance exercise by reducing pain and inflammation, increasing enjoyment, and aiding in recovery, it's crucial for fitness enthusiasts to consider the potential downsides of using cannabis, especially THC-dominant strains, while engaging in physical activities. Here are some critical considerations:

  • Impaired Coordination and Judgment: THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, can impair motor skills and judgment. This is particularly risky during workouts that require precise movements or balance, such as weightlifting or yoga, as it increases the risk of injury.

  • Cardiovascular Health Concerns: Cannabis use can cause cardiovascular effects such as increased heart rate and blood pressure. For those with underlying heart conditions or those engaging in intense aerobic exercise, this could pose a significant health risk.

  • Respiratory Issues: Smoking cannabis can harm lung health, leading to decreased respiratory function. For athletes, especially those in sports requiring optimal lung capacity, this can be detrimental to performance and overall health.

  • Mental Focus and Energy Levels: While some users report increased focus and energy with cannabis use, others may experience the opposite. THC can cause fatigue and decreased motivation in some individuals, which could negatively impact the consistency and intensity of workout sessions.

It's important for individuals to weigh the benefits against the potential risks. Consulting with healthcare professionals and considering personal health conditions and fitness goals can guide whether or not to incorporate cannabis into a fitness regimen.

Additionally, exploring other supplements like Athletic Greens might offer a safer enhancement to workout routines without the risks associated with cannabis use. Always ensure to verify the legality and regulations regarding cannabis use in your area before making any decisions.


As the interest in cannabis for enhancing workouts gains traction, it is imperative to balance this enthusiasm with a grounded understanding of both its potential benefits and risks. This article has explored how cannabis interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system to potentially alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve overall exercise enjoyment. However, the use of cannabis, particularly THC-rich strains, is not without its downsides, such as possible impairment of motor skills, cardiovascular risks, respiratory issues, and impacts on mental focus and energy levels.

The decision to incorporate cannabis into a fitness routine should not be taken lightly. It requires a careful assessment of individual health, fitness goals, and legal considerations. Alternatives like Athletic Greens offer a potentially safer enhancement to workout routines by providing vital nutrients without the psychoactive effects of THC.

Ultimately, consulting with healthcare professionals and thoroughly researching both supplements and their interactions can help ensure that your approach to fitness and wellness is both effective and safe. Always ensure compliance with local laws and regulations when considering cannabis use.

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