
How to Make and Dose Edibles With Cannabis Concentrate Oil

August 09, 2023

As more places legalize cannabis, more and more people are learning about the different things it can do. People are realizing that both concentrated forms of cannabis and the regular dried flower can be used in various ways, like smoking, vaporizing, and eating. These methods are getting really popular. Out of all these ways, concentrated forms are becoming the favorite for people who want to get the most out of the plant.

Many people don't know that you can use Cannabis Concentrate Oil to make tasty treats. In this article, we'll explain why this is a good idea and give you a step-by-step guide to try it out. This way, you can make some really delicious edibles and enjoy them.

What is Cannabis Concentrate Oil?

If you're not familiar with THC concentrates oil, here are what you need to know: 

  • Cannabis Oil is a very strong forms of cannabis that keep all terpenes and cannabinoids and convert it into a , but they get rid of the extra plant parts.
Related article: Understanding Cannabis Concentrate Oil and How to Use It
  • THC concentrates oil usually in Syringe, it's thick and gooey, kind of like honey that's not quite solid, but it's sticky AF. But their color and how they look can be different depending on the type.

  • Cannabis concentrate oil is typically extracted using methods such as distillation or CO2 extraction. THC is usually activated during the purchase of the concentrate oil, eliminating the need for decarboxylation. This makes the oil ready for oral consumption. You have the choice of either using it directly or using it to make edibles according to your preference.

  • How strong is it? The effects of your creation hinge on the quantity you apply. However, understanding the concentrate's potency empowers you to gauge the required amount accurately. By knowing the concentration level, you can ensure your edibles or products have the desired impact, whether you seek a milder experience or something more robust.
  • What’s the dominant cannabinoid? Wondering about the main cannabinoids? Certain concentrates are abundant in CBD, the component known for its calming effects without the usual high. This is especially advantageous for medical cannabis users, offering therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive experience.

Related article: THC and CBD, and the Entourage Effect!

On the other hand, THC-dominant concentrates provide the classic cannabis high, which can be recreational or utilized for specific medical purposes like pain management or appetite stimulation. While CBD-focused concentrates offer relaxation and relief, THC-focused ones cater to diverse preferences, potentially enhancing mood, creativity, and more. Both CBD and THC concentrates present distinct avenues within the cannabis landscape, addressing various needs and desired outcomes for consumers.

  • What terpenes are in it? Terpenes are aromatic compounds responsible for the plant's scent and potential effects. Different strains possess varying terpene profiles, contributing to diverse flavors and potential benefits. Knowing the terpenes in your cannabis product allows you to understand its potential aroma, taste, and effects, aiding in selecting strains that align with your preferences or desired outcomes.

Related article: What Are Terpenoids And What Do They Do? 

Benefits of Using Cannabis Concentrate Oil in Edibles

Using Cannabis Concentrate Oil for making edibles has four main advantages:

  1. Easy to Use: Making edibles with Cannabis Concentrate Oil is simple. You don't need to grind or filter anything, and with certain concentrates like distillate, you don't even have to do something called decarboxylation. It's that straightforward.

  2. Stronger Effect: Concentrates have a lot more THC, which is the stuff that makes you feel high. So, using just a small amount, like one or two grams, can make your edible really strong.

  3. Less Mess and Smell: Grinding and preparing regular marijuana can be messy and smelly when you're making edibles. But concentrates solve this issue. They make the process cleaner and less stinky. This is especially great if you're sharing a kitchen with someone who doesn't like the smell of cannabis.

  4. Saves Money: To make edibles with about 800mg of THC, you only need 1 gram of concentrate, which usually costs around $20-$50. On the other hand, making edibles from scratch or buying them ready-made can be much more expensive, ranging from $100-$200. So, using Cannabis Concentrate Oil is a cheaper and simpler choice.

Related article: 1 Gram Cannabutter Recipe - How to Make Quality Marijuana Butter?

    Simplified Edible Dosing: The Precision of Concentrates

    Dosing edibles made with concentrates is notably simpler compared to dosing those infused with flower, which is another reason why we favor concentrate-based edibles.

    The key advantage here is consistency. The precise amount of THC (or THCa) present in the product is clearly stated on the label. This consistency holds true throughout the entire product. You might have encountered batches of cannabis where some buds are densely coated in trichomes while others are unevenly trimmed and less covered. This inconsistency, which is absent in concentrates, can be concerning.

    To accurately dose your edibles using one gram of concentrate, follow these uncomplicated steps:

    1. Multiply the THCA percentage by 10 to obtain the total THC in milligrams.
    2. Refer to your recipe to determine its yield.
    3. Divide the total THC by the recipe yield to ascertain the milligrams in each finalized edible.

    For instance, let's take a scenario:

    • Imagine you possess 1 gram of concentrate with a THCa content of 70%, and you plan to make a recipe yielding 12 cookies.
    • This translates to roughly 700 mg of THC after decarboxylation (THC in this case is already activated as we mentioned earlier).
    • When divided by 12, each cookie contains around 58.3 mg of THC.

    While this potency might suit experienced users, it's important to note that the typical dose in recreational edibles is 10 mg, which is not beginner-friendly.

    Utilizing concentrates provides better control over THC levels, enabling you to tailor your experience accordingly.

    Related article: Marijuana Edibles for the First Time, Dosage and What to Expect

    Making the Most of the Cannabis Concentrates Oil

    As previously mentioned, both CO2 oil and Distillate extracted Cannabis oil are already activated. If the oil is too sticky, a helpful tip is to place the syringe in a sealed Ziploc bag and then submerge the bag in warm water. This will make the oil easier to mix.

    Here are the options you have:

    1. Direct Consumption: For those with a lower tolerance, I wouldn't recommend this method since you're essentially guessing the amount of THC you're consuming. If your tolerance is higher, you can directly use activated concentrate, but it's advisable to begin with a portion about the size of half a grain of rice. It's important to note that dosing can be challenging with this approach, so it's essential to be cautious.

    2. Edibles Preparation: Using activated THC concentrate oil in this manner is a widely preferred approach. Mixing the concentrate into different recipes adds versatility and simplifies dosing. Numerous recipes demand precise measurements, particularly in baking, enabling you to accurately calculate the THC content in your consumption. This becomes especially important for individuals with lower tolerance or those new to edibles. This technique is highly recommended for enhancing control over THC intake.

     Related article: Understanding Cannabis Concentrate Oil and How to Use It


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