
Take Action: Help to Pass Marijuana Legalization in New Hampshire Vote This Thursday

February 20, 2024

In a significant stride towards reforming cannabis laws, the New Hampshire House of Representatives recently passed a bill to legalize and tax marijuana, showcasing a robust bipartisan effort. This legislative move reflects a growing trend in New England and across the United States, where the shift towards legalization signifies a broader societal acceptance and a push for economic benefits associated with the cannabis industry. The bill, known as House Bill 639, aims to legalize the possession, purchase, use, and transportation of cannabis for individuals 21 and older, marking a pivotal moment in New Hampshire's cannabis policy history.

A Call For Action: Taking Action for Cannabis Legalization 

As New Hampshire stands at the precipice of a significant shift in cannabis policy with House Bill 639, the power to influence its future now rests in the hands of its residents. The Senate, historically hesitant on cannabis reform, plays a crucial role in the next steps. This moment presents a unique opportunity for New Hampshire citizens to directly impact the bill's trajectory towards a more progressive cannabis policy.

To make your voice heard, contacting your state senators and expressing your support for HB 639 is critical. Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process:

  • Find Your Senator: Visit the official New Hampshire General Court website to identify your state senator based on your district. This platform provides up-to-date contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, ensuring you reach out to the right representative.
  • Craft your message: When you contact your senator, here's a concise message you can use as a guide
Hello, my name is [Your Name], from [Your Town/City]. I'm reaching out to express my strong support for House Bill 639, aimed at legalizing and regulating marijuana in New Hampshire. This bill not only represents an opportunity for significant economic development but also aligns with the principles of criminal justice reform and public safety through regulation. I urge you to support this progressive step for our state. Thank you for considering my perspective.
  • Timing Your Call: It’s essential to contact your senator well before the bill is discussed or voted on in the Senate. While specific dates may vary, staying informed through the General Court's website or local news outlets will help you choose the best time to make your voice heard.

This proactive engagement is not just about supporting cannabis legalization; it's about participating in a democratic process that values constituent voices. By taking these steps, you contribute to shaping New Hampshire's laws in a way that reflects the will and interests of its people.

Remember, every call, email, or letter has the potential to sway opinions and encourage a more open-minded approach to cannabis legislation. Your involvement is crucial at this juncture, as it not only supports HB 639 but also strengthens the foundation of participatory democracy in New Hampshire.

5 Key Arguments for HB 639 in New Hampshire

When reaching out to senators, articulating clear, reasoned support for HB 639 can make a significant impact. Here are five key points to consider:

  1. Economic Incentives: Legalizing marijuana in New Hampshire could unlock a significant stream of revenue through taxation. This financial boon is not just theoretical; states with legalized cannabis have collected millions in taxes, funding education, infrastructure, and healthcare. For New Hampshire, adopting similar tax structures on cannabis sales means an opportunity to bolster state coffers without raising existing taxes, directly benefiting critical state funding needs and public services.

  2. Criminal Justice Reform: House Bill 639 represents a pivotal step toward rectifying the long-standing injustices caused by the criminalization of cannabis. By annulling past cannabis-related criminal records, New Hampshire can alleviate the lifelong burdens carried by individuals convicted for acts that are no longer illegal. This move not only supports reintegration but also addresses the disproportionate impact of drug laws on marginalized communities, marking a significant leap towards fairness in the justice system.

  3. Public Safety and Quality Control: A regulated cannabis market means safer products for consumers and a significant reduction in black market activities. By imposing standards for quality and safety, consumers are protected from contaminated or unsafe products, a common risk with unregulated sales. Furthermore, oversight diminishes the black market's prevalence, reducing related criminal activities and ensuring a safer environment for residents, with law enforcement able to focus on more pressing issues.

  4. Regional Competitiveness: With neighboring states already reaping the economic and social benefits of legalized cannabis, New Hampshire finds itself at a disadvantage. Legalization brings not just economic gains through taxation but also attracts tourism and investment, contributing to the state's overall competitiveness. Staying behind in this regional shift not only leaves potential revenue on the table but also risks losing out on a burgeoning industry and job creation.

  5. Public Opinion and Democratic Action: The push for cannabis legalization in New Hampshire is grounded in a significant democratic principle: the will of the people. Polls and public opinion reflect a strong support among New Hampshire voters for legalization, mirroring a national trend towards acceptance and regulation of cannabis. Reminding senators of this widespread public support is crucial, as it underscores the democratic duty to enact laws that reflect the constituents' desires, paving the way for reform based on collective consensus.


As New Hampshire stands on the brink of significant policy reform, the legalization of marijuana represents more than just a shift in drug policy; it is a move towards economic growth, social justice, and regional competitiveness. The bill's passage in the House with bipartisan support underscores a changing tide, reflecting a broader societal acknowledgment of the failures of prohibition. Now, as HB 639 heads to the Senate, the role of constituents in influencing their representatives cannot be overstated. Through active engagement and advocacy, New Hampshire residents have a unique opportunity to contribute to a historic shift towards a more just, safe, and prosperous state.

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